Building Blocks of Passive House Performance
On-Demand Webinar
This 90-minute webinar will cover Passive House design and reveal the building blocks of Passive House performance.
- Language: English
- Audience: Consumers, Professionals
- Sector: Residential
- Instruction Level: Introductory

This 90-minute webinar will cover Passive House design and reveal the building blocks of Passive House performance.
Passive House is a construction concept that results in high-performing buildings that are energy-efficient, comfortable, and have healthy indoor air quality. When compared to buildings designed and built to conventional standards, a Passive House building requires up to 90% less energy for heating and cooling and uses around 70% less energy overall. Passive House buildings provide occupants with a very high level of comfort and quiet — and filtered fresh air with up to a 95% reduction in unwanted airborne pollutants and allergens.
During this workshop, participants will learn about the basic building blocks that deliver that performance. These key concepts include:
• An airtight envelope, including airtight windows and doors
• Climate-specific insulation correctly applied
• Elimination of thermal bridges, and
• Balanced ventilation with heat recovery
This knowledge will enable participants to make informed choices related to the comfort, health, and environmental responsibility of the buildings that they design, construct, and/or occupy.
Presenter: Jay Gentry
Jay is on the board of Passive House California and champions energy efficiency and environmental responsibility in the built environment, including retrofits and new construction. After nearly 40 years of experience as a Marketing and Sales consultant, Jay recognized the importance and urgency of action on climate change and narrowed his focus to the emerging Building Performance Industry and the task of making our new and existing buildings more energy efficient
Since 2008, Jay has been consulting with and training contractors to help them gain the knowledge and skills needed to find and win opportunities to make homes and other buildings more efficient, comfortable, healthy, and environmentally responsible. He has developed and facilitated workshops for the California Building Performance Contractors Association (CBPCA), Efficiency First, CA., Energy Upgrade CA., 3C-REN, and several utilities and/or jurisdictions in California and Colorado.